We look forward to receiving your submission. It’s important that you read the following guidelines to ensure your listing appears as you wish.

- If you don’t see a category appropriate for your offering, contact us. We’ll consider adding one to the directory.
- Choosing a main category will not automatically place your listing in its sub categories. If you’re not sure if a main category has sub categories, click on it.
- Placing your listing in both a main category and in the Classifieds will help get it seen.
- Cramming disparate offerings into one listing is a no-no and we won’t accept submissions that do this.
- The language standard for the site is English – both British and American. Please do not post in other languages.
- Limit your Short Description to 140 characters. Paragraphs longer than that will be edited.
- Check your content and wording carefully before you submit, and ensure that all fields have been properly filled out. Once live only a site administrator will be able to edit your listing.
- We reserve the right to correct typographical errors, but we’d rather not have to!
- If you want your listing to have a link to your website be sure to include your URL. If your listing package allows you to upload a logo or photo (recommended), then that is what will display next to your image.
- The recommended size is 200 px wide by 150 px high or 320 px wide x 240 px high. Accepted formats are jpg, gif and png. Please upload good quality photos only.
- If you cannot or choose not to upload an image, then we will try to generate a thumbnail image of your Home Page if you have included its URL. If image generation doesn’t work, the image generated is not sufficiently visible, or if you do not include a URL, we will display the generic directory logo next to your listing.
- Depending on your listing package, you may also be able to attach documents. The accepted format is pdf.
Still have questions? Try reading the FAQs. Or if you’re ready, Add Listing.
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