Diaz Reus
Diaz Reus international real estate attorneys provide a range of international real estate legal services, both residential and commercial, across Latin America, the Caribbean, the U.S., the E.U., the Middle East, and Asia: construction development and finance, contracts and lease negotiations and drafting, title insurance, construction liens and permitting, zoning and related land-use matters, and off-shore asset-protection plans.
Our international real estate attorneys, solicitors and consultants help our clients—from Chinese governmental entities to Fortune 500 corporations to entrepreneurs and individuals—build, buy, sell, lease, and protect international real estate holdings of all types and sizes.
You’ll work directly with one of our multilingual attorneys who helps optimize investments while minimizing costs for engineers and developers, contractors and commercial landlords, foreign and domestic investors, banks, bond companies, underwriters, public bodies and end-users—completing due diligence, negotiating, contracting and closing with agility and precision.